Château Capion DOMAINE DE CAPION, White, 2018, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert. Bottle image
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France, Languedoc-Roussillon
Geo Indication
Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert IGP
Chardonnay B (100%)
Chemical analysis
ABV: 13.5%
RS: 2 g/l
Closure type
Agglomerated cork
Recommended retail price
EUR 25

Château Capion DOMAINE DE CAPION White 2018 Saint-Guilhem-le-DésertVerified




Production surface area 2 hectares Average age of vines: 30 years old Planting concentration: 3,300 to 4,000 vines / hectare Pruning technique: Cordon Yield: 15 hectolitres / hectare Harvest Manual in small crates. First grape assessment on vine. Harvest kept in a cold room. Direct pressing of whole bunches. Harvest dates, 23 and 24 August 2018.


Plot vinified separately in thermo-regulated stainless steel vats. Cold stabilisation, settling and alcoholic fermentation initiated at 16° to 18°C.

Wine aging

For 9 months in 500 litre barrels.

Tasting notes

Pale yellow colour. Expressive nose with slightly buttery, brioche notes. Strong, vibrant attack with fine structure on the palate. Ideal served with grilled fish, white meat, or quite simply as an aperitif. Serve at 11° to 14°C.


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Serving suggestions

Food pairings
Fish, Chicken
Serving temperature
11°C – 14°C

Nutrition declaration

There are no nutrition declaration yet


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Responsible consumption

There are no responsible consumption yet
UID: CHE-357.166.792
Legal name: Norpexal Supply Chain Participations GmbH
Legal address: Turmstrasse 28, 6312, Steinhausen ZG, Switzerland
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