Château Capion Le Songe d'Éocène, Red, 2017, Terrasses du Larzac. Bottle image
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France, Languedoc-Roussillon
Geo Indication
Terrasses du Larzac AOC-AOP
Wine type EU
Syrah N
Mourvèdre N
Grenache N
Chemical analysis
ABV: 14.5%
RS: 1.27 g/l
TH₂: 3.4 g/l
pH: 3.6
Closure type
Natural сork
Recommended retail price
EUR 82

Château Capion Le Songe d'Éocène Red 2017 Terrasses du LarzacVerified

Score WWL
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Average vine age - 20 to 30 years. Planting density - 3600 plants per hectare. Pruning type - Royat and Gobelet. Yield - 20 hectolitres / hectare


The hand-picked harvest (using small crates) is stored in a refrigerated room before manual sorting. Once the grapes are crushed, the must is pumped into stainless- steel thermo-regulated vats. Grapes vinified separately in thermo-regulated stainless steel vats. Cold skin maceration, temperature control between 18 and 20 °C

Tasting notes

Full-bodied, creamy and plush, it combines blueberries, licorice and vanilla into a stunning whirl of flavor, finishing long and intense


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Jeb Dunnuck
92 - 94
Wine Advocate
94 - 97
"A potential rock star in the making, the 2017 Le Songe d'Eocene (tasted as a sample assembled from several barrels) is slightly less aromatic than the regular bottling, but it's more concentrated." Joe Czerwinski

Serving suggestions

Food pairings
Barbeque, Lamb, Roast, Steak, Beef
Serving temperature
16°C – 18°C

Nutrition declaration

There are no nutrition declaration yet


There are no certificates yet

Responsible consumption

Don't drink when below legal drinking age.Don't drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Don't drink when driving a car, motorbike or operating machinery.
UID: CHE-357.166.792
Legal name: Norpexal Supply Chain Participations GmbH
Legal address: Turmstrasse 28, 6312, Steinhausen ZG, Switzerland
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